Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oh Father, Where Art Thou?

Questions, questions and more questions... I had that freakishly annoying habit of asking every possible question during my younger days that it annoyed the hell outta adults...

"Pa, how long can a person hold his breath?".
"Few minutes...".
"How few is the minutes?".
"...*blur awhile*...Pa, how far can a person go underwater?".
"...*more blur-ness*...".

(After a few minutes)

"Pa, what has pants gotta do with water?".

So I had this other person who tells me that after accepting Christ for a coupla years, suddenly He doesn't seem so real anymore. According to her, when she became a Christian there were no questions asked. It was more like someone just came up to her and told her that this was a genuine product and she just bought it. Well its a known fact that every organised religion in this world has their own personal ugliness, hypocrisy and assholes. It will rear its ugly head whether anyone likes it or not. And when that time comes, can you accept it?

1. Can you accept that the person whom you trusted to tell you the truth was gay, paedophile, polygamous AND a drag queen?

2. Can you accept that in the name of religion someone suicide bombs a building, chops off her infant's limbs or sacrifices another human being?

3. How can you, as a logical person who knows that fairies, flying reindeers and frog princes are fibs... accept something without solid proof or questioning its existence?

Christians preach that we shouldn't hang on to the facts but believe in the truth. WTF?! Are we naive enough to believe in something unnatural? What separates fact and truth? Ok, holistic crap aside let's be practical here. Humans in general have only 5 senses: touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell. We naturally believe in what those 5 senses can tell us. THAT IS FACT. Unfortunately, none whatsoever of those senses can tell us that God exists. THAT IS ALSO FACT.

Truth is... from what I gather are things like "Jesus saves", "Jesus heals", "Jesus casts out demons" and "Jesus loves you".

Big fat question coming up : HOW THE HECK YOU KNOW!?
Small answer from back row : faith...
Fact : most people will laugh in your face...

So let's take a stroll down "normal human being" lane. How many people can actually believe a story? Yes, it's a nice to hear with the happy endings but that doesn't differ much from a fairy tale right? But then again a teenager princess living in a forest hut with 7-single, short old male miners who hasn't seen any action for a millenia doesn't exactly sound all that appealing either. Okok, back to topic.

It's so much easier to believe in facts isn't it? How many people have not been on Mt. Everest but yet believe its sitting there pat on the Himalayas? How many people have seen a T-Rex alive? How do we know that humans have arrived ont he moon? Have we done it? Seen it? Felt it? Smelt it? Touched it? Heard it? The majority if not the people I know has not. So... HOW THE HECK YOU KNOW?

Simple... facts loh... records, data, photographs, testimonies, ROCK SOLID PROOF, evidence, real stuff that we can touch, see, feel... and last but not least, IT'S FRIGGIN THERE!


what if...

TRUTH becomes FACT?

If we can believe reports, can we believe a doctor's report on how a tumor can disappear? How a man can be lame one day and walk the next? How a body can be cleared of cancer cells overnight? Sure it sounds far-fetched but it's on paper! By doctors! Men and women of science! Surely we can't deny that. A valid, thorough report that says that the cancer cell count has gone to zero. And the patient from a dying, skeletal, hairless toddler with tubes going in and out of him... to a running, jumping annoying brat of 14 whose highest possible risk of death would be his mum killing him for not cleaning his room.

Can anyone deny that he had cancer? No, docs confirmed it, so did the tests.
Can anyone deny that there's no cancer in him now? No, same thing.

Yes, cancer can be cured medically... that's true. But how often? And it also depends on what kinda cancer, treatment, person, bla bla bla. Let's have a look at the breakdown:

2-yr old Chinese kid : FACT
AML Leukemia : FACT
Survival rate 20%: FACT
Jesus heals : TRUTH
Chemotherapy incomplete : FACT
Kid healed : FACT

World-class doctors @ Singapore's National University Hospital going "Err... we're not so sure how your kid did it but according to these reports, there's no trace of any cancer cells in him anymore" : PRICELESS

HOW THE HECK I KNOW? That kid's my bro.

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