Question : Which came first? The Chicken or the Egg?
Answer : The Egg of course…
Question : Then who laid the Egg?
Answer : The Duck…
Subsequently after being labeled “the lamer of the century” by the multitudes that would eventually proceed to stomp on your face, you’d be so mad that you’d do a simple research and find out that there existed these beings called “duck-billed dinosaurs” and there has yet to be an “AYAM-o-saurus” to be found in any of the Flintstones episodes.
I’m not sure whether research is good or bad for the soul. Apparently if you were to take the bible word for word, it’s kinda grey in the initial stage whether the Bible skipped a few hundred million years of pages or God just had a wicked sense of humor and decided to cram everything into a few sentences and have us argue and fight over it.
Evolution = BIG Dinosaurs, BIG Neanderthals, BIG Bang, BIG Friggin Comet and BIG Friggin Ice Age
Creation = BIG God… everything else is small in comparison. All of the above are null and void.
So here’s the lowdown, creationists believe that mankind began with God creating Adam… this one dude that’s supposed to have been the 1st human to have walked the earth. And he’s said to have lived like what… approx 5,000 years ago. Or something like that.
Here’s the cue where the evolutionists start to laugh and hold their fat archaeological tummies. “There are written histories of empires in China dated 5,000 years ago!” they would say. So how? Dinosaur bones? Fossils? All these stuff date back millions of years. Doesn’t make sense does it? Recently it was just discovered that man came from the heart of Africa 200,000 years ago. Thanks to carbon-dating, we’re able to find out how long ago men learned to drive their spears into mammoths, saber-toothed tigers as well as each other.
So who’s right then? So far apparently we’re leaning towards evolution yah? Or so I believe. But then let’s backtrack deeper into the past…
Jessica Alba → Modern Civilization → Ancient Civilization → Cavemen → Ice Age → Big Comet → Dinosaurs → Single-cell organism → Creation of Planets → Big Bang → Cosmic Bla-Bla → WTH?
As you can see at the top of the evolutionary ladder sits the immaculate Jessica Alba, the perfection of humanity in all her glory. Utter perfection. And as we go further down memory lane, which many scientists believe that the Big Bang was created by some chemicals in space reacting to… *blaaahhhh*… then KA-BOOM! Let there be everything. But no-one asks how did the so-called chemistry or physics come to be there. They’re just happy to prove that there WAS a Big Bang. And Adam was… wrong.
And just how did they prove it? Oh well… they found bones. Very, very old bones of very old people. Well in some contexts they don’t call them people. They call ‘em Neanderthals. Big hairy dudes and dudettes who basically look like the rockstar version of Lurch. Then they had bones of very BIG lizards, crocs, insects, yada-yada and what have you may. Camana nih?
In my life I have asked this question many-a-time to many-a-people. And many-a-people have given me many-an-answer. Some made sense, some didn’t and some just made you wanna jab them in the throat just so they’d shut up. Amongst the answers I got were as such:
1. Evolutionists say that it didn’t happen at all. Based on the million-year-old rocks, bones, fossils and stuff like that, basically Genesis was pure bullsh*t. In fact, science basically renders the Creation theory useless if you take it word-for-word.
2. The regular Creationist says “if God wanted to create the world 5,000 years ago, He would have created ready-made million-year-old rock since it’s not like it’s beyond Him to do that”. It’s a really good answer if you wanna get out of an argument. In fact, God could have made us yesterday and planted all the memories in us. Totally rad…
3. Another version that I got from one Dr. Douglas Jacoby is that he suggested that when God made Adam on the 6th day, He didn’t necessarily do an Abra-ca-dabra and pooped the bugger out of nowhere. But it did take God a whole day to make the dude and give him instructions and what not about the world. As Adam was made from dust/dirt, God had to take the dust and create a form in His own image. He had to mould, shape and sculpt it into perfection.
Since modern Homo sapiens only evolved around 100,000 years ago, Dr. Jacoby doesn’t rule out the possibility that the time it took for God to “create” Adam was in fact not in one human day but a few million years perhaps? Is there a possibility that Man DID evolve from hunched, hairy-looking creatures from the moment God took the dust and started to mould it? (I did NOT say monkey!) There’s a possibility that there were erect, bipedal creatures walking the earth before the first two people mentioned in the Bible but “Adam” was only complete when God breathed life into him (approx. 100,000 yrs ago perhaps?).
Some people would say “just have faith-lah, don’t ask so many questions”. A big fat Kudos to those people. I’m sorry as I do not have as much self-control as them. For starters, I’m just a curious dude. I do not have a NEED to find out where Adam came from. Maybe I just have too much time on my hands. Maybe I’m looking for trouble. Maybe I’m just bored with everyday routine. There are many things that I do not have the answer to. That’s why I’m asking questions.
The question I have is this, why do creationists and evolutionists have to prove each other wrong? Have people not understood that there is no possible way to disprove science? Facts are very real. Doesn’t matter that it was only a few hundred years ago that people discovered that the world was round and you can’t actually fall off its edge. That wasn’t science. It was based on flawed calculations, theories and assumptions. But today with the development of telescopes, periscopes, endoscopes and whatever “scopes” might have you, the facts are getting harder to prove wrong. It looks like this argument is tilting in the favor of science.
On the other hand, why can’t people just accept both worlds? Science doesn’t disprove the Bible, it just reaffirms it. You just gotta step out of your cave and open your eyes. Does anyone still believe that the sun revolves around the earth? In fact, it’s easier to believe that both theories can co-exist instead of trying to kill one another. Use your head; don’t let your narrow-mindedness screw up your entire perspective of God’s creation. After all, at the end of the day we're all from Africa.
Some things are just right under your nose. If you can’t see it, try smelling.
Sources from:
The Bible
Michael Siva Pillai
David Wong (www.cracked .com)
Dr. Douglas Jacoby
National Geographic